Archive for the ‘Sören Sommelius’ Category
TFF 30th Anniversary Benefit Event
Lund, Sweden, September 5, 2015
Updated September 5 and our apologies if you’ve received this before.
We want to catch all and miss no one over all these years.
Dear friend!
We are happy to invite you to the TFF 30th Anniversary Benefit Event !
September 11-12, 2015
Live Lectures by videostream
Exciting lectures on world affairs and peace over two days – See program below.
This is not an invitation to visit the foundation in person.
It is an online, live video streamed event that you will be able to follow from anywhere in the world
Here is the link and it’ll also be shown via Facebook, Twitter and on our website.
And all the lectures will be available later as videos on our own video channels.
Open House at the foundation
Saturday September 12 at 14:00-17:00
It’s at Vegagatan 25 in Lund, Sweden – deadline for your registration September 7.
1. Lectures on-site with live streaming
We’ll shortly tell you the links where you may see it all and where videos will later be available.
Lecture program
Friday September 11
Live, video streamed:
September 11: Alternatives to the devastating War On Terror – Jan Oberg
TFF 30 Perspectives – TFF Associates and Board on the better world we dream of – And cheers!
Saturday September 12
Live, video-streamed 10:00-18:00
Iran And the Nuclear Issues – Gunnar Westberg
Integration – Why and how? Example: Afghan Youth In Sweden – Christina Spännar, Sweden
Nuclear abolition is necessary and possible – Gunnar Westberg, Sweden
West and East: Ukraine and New Cold War? – Jan Oberg
Human Rights And War Crimes – Jonathan Power, UK/Sweden
Women, Self-Esteem and Violence – Annette Schiffmann, Germany
Yugoslavia – What Should Have Been Done? – Jan Oberg (in Memoriam Håkan Wiberg), DK/Sweden
Media and Peace – Sören Sommelius, Sweden
Burundi’s Crisis And Possible Ways Out – Burundi expert
2. Open House hours 14-17
Buffet, drinks, coffee and tea, cakes and other sweets.
You must register your visit by September 7 at the latest at or call 0046 738 525200.
3. Peace with peaceful means
The day is devoted to the – ongoing – struggle for ”peace by peaceful means“ as the UN Charter puts it. Gandhi said that the “means are goals in-the-making”. To realize that noble goal remains the mission of TFF. Today we show you how and promote all related activites with the help of social media and new video technologies.
4. This is a Benefit Event – Your support to TFF please!
TFF is unique in being totally independent of government and corporate funds. It’s people-financed. No one related to TFF has a salary; we’re all-volunteer.
This provides for truly free research and permit us to be critical and constructive and practise our freedom of expression. Not everyone can boast that today!
Wars, nuclear and conventional arms, bombing raids and occupations etc. are financed by your tax money. Sadly and unfairly, no tax funds go to realise the UN norm above.
We think that people who believe that peace is better than violence should also pay something to the research, education and activism in favour of that UN norm.
If you can come to Lund on our big day or sit somewhere following our rich lecture program, we urge you strongly to make a donation. Every day over 30 years, TFF has given the world something useful.
You can do it right in the middle of our homepage – click the “Give” button or under the headline “Support” in the right-hand column where many options exist, including PayPal. It easy, fast and secure!
Cash – but no cheques – can also be donated at the event.* *
Thank you so much!
5. Videos
We’re proud to present the first two short videos – 3 more to come – in which the founders talk about various aspects of 30 years in the service of peace on the basis of questions asked by board member Annette Schiffmann. Watch, comment and subscribe!
6. Brand new Online Magazine
The announced online magazine launched to mark our Anniversary is now here!
“Transnational Affairs – TFF Magazine for conflict-resolution, non-violence and peace-building”
Excited as we are, we’ll be back to you soon with more details!
Yours truly
Christina & Jan
* If you are able to come in person, you must register to or call 0046 738 525200 by Tuesday September 8 at the latest.
* * This does not apply to you if you have already made a donation in 2015.
TFF PressInfo: Criminal investigation of the Nobel Peace Prize
Media release
Lund and Oslo, April 25, 2014
The management of the Nobel Peace Prize has become a case for the Norwegian police, following a request for criminal investigation from 16 prominent Scandinavians, parliamentarians, lawyers, authors and peace activists, 10 Swedes and 6 Norwegians, to the authority on economic crime, the ØKOKRIM.
The move is based on the research of Norwegian lawyer Fredrik S. Heffermehl who in his books has called for respect for Alfred Nobel and the peace plan he wished to support.
– “In his last years Nobel joined the peace movement and wished to support financially its idea of co-operation on disarmament to replace military force and forces. The Norwegian Parliament appoints the five-member selection committee that must step down and be replaced by people who favor the idea of the prize,” says Heffermehl.
He claims that his demands through 6 years, and even an order in March 2012 from the Swedish Foundations Authority have not led the awarders to show any interest in Nobel and what he really wanted.
– “This is unlawful and criminal, and the requested police investigation comes as a last resort to secure justice for “the champions of peace” Nobel specified in his will. Read the rest of this entry »
Sover du gott efter detta, Bildt?
Av Sören Sommelius
De svenska stridsflygplan som sattes in i Libyen borde användas till att också angripa mål på marken i offensiv krigföring. Det tyckte Folkpartiets militante ledare Jan Björklund, när den svenska insatsen i Libyen diskuterades i mars 2011.
Så blev det dessbättre inte. Men Sverige deltog, med brett parlamentariskt stöd, i ett krig som efteråt alltför lite har ifrågasatts. Sverige svarade för en fjärdedel av flygspaningen för att lokalisera bombmål.
Kriget kallades ”humanitär intervention” och genomfördes av Nato med stöd av FN-resolution nummer 1 973.
Men i själva verket var det inget annat än ett traditionellt kolonialkrig, sammanfattar den norske fredsforskaren Ola Tunander i sin bok Libyenkrigets geopolitik, som är en svidande genomgång av krigets förutsättningar och konsekvenser. Det här är en bok som politiker som Björklund och Bildt borde läsa. Om de gör det tvivlar jag på att de kommer att sova gott efteråt. Read the rest of this entry »
Nya hot ökar risken för krig mot Iran
Av Sören Sommelius
EU förbjuder all oljeimport från Iran, och Iran hotar med att som svar blockera all trafik av olja genom Hormuzsundet. Till TT uttrycker utrikesminister Carl Bildt viss skepsis inför beslutet, risken är att vi ”glider in i en konfrontation som ytterst kan sluta i krig – och dit vill ingen”.
På sin blogg Alla dessa dagar är Bildt ännu mera kritisk till sanktionerna, som han menar möjligen kan påverka Irans ekonomi men knappast landets politik.
Men varför deltar Sverige då i beslutet?? Read the rest of this entry »