TFF PressInfo # 416: Free thoughts on NATO at today’s Summit

By TFF Associates

Today there is a NATO Summit in Brussels and a new HQ is being inaugurated.

We at TFF believe that the existential issues about war and peace – and humanity’s survival – is worth discussing.

We believe in free research, freedom of speech as well as informes conversations helped, not hampered, by diverse and critical media.

Regrettably, we don’t see much of that when it comes to the coverage of NATO.

The alliance costs about US$ 900 billion a year but over its 68 years of its existence it has failed to create the stability, security and peace its mission – and mantra – is all about.

Its member states are in the centre of several long-term conflicts and nasty wars that destroy whole countries and civilisations.

Further, while the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact – NATO’s raison d’etre – has been dead and gone for more than 25 years, there is now a new Cold War in Europe.

It’s reasonable to discuss what is fundamentally wrong with this alliance.

We bring you below a selection of recent TFF analyses and comments that may be seen as an attempt to counterbalance the general mainstream coverage of the alliance and its members’ more or less constant warfare – in the name of bringing peace…

Jan Oberg – TFF Live today
Eight arguments

Johan Galtung
Missing: Political creativity

Jonathan Power
The hypocrisy of owning nuclear weapons

Jonathan Power
Making friends with Russia

Naskah Zada & Jan Oberg
Lost peace and fake news

Jan Oberg – TFF Live
US/NATO increasing tension with Russia: Focus Syria

Hans von Sponeck, Richard Falk and Denis Halliday
How the UN should respond in an age of global dissent

Farhang Jahanpour
America’s woes and Europe’s responsibility

Jan Oberg
Ten articles on the new Cold War and a reflection

Preceding dispatches also on NATO…

Jonathan Power in TFF PressInfo #415
On the leader of NATO’s leader
Trump is not a straight and true leader

Jan Oberg in TFF PressInfo # 414 Part 1 & 2
On Gulf NATO
Trump in Riyadh – A Gulf NATO to gang up against Iran and Syria

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This text may be reprinted as it is with due credit and links to TFF but we shall appreciate you telling us. If shortened, please send the abridged version to obtain our permission.

Jan Oberg, TFF director, dr. hc.

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