Statement on Nobel’s Peace Prize and TFF receives the People’s Nobel Peace Prize

By Jan Oberg

Here first the important statement by seminar participants (in Swedish below):

The Nobel Peace Prize must not be misused

A Nordic seminar at Orust (Sweden) about the Nobel Peace Prize has analysed the Norwegian Nobel Committee’s selection of awardees over time. Lead by former Prime Minister Torbjørn Jagland, it has awarded the prize to e.g. Wangari Maathai, Al Gore, Shirin Ebadi, Liu Xiabo, Barack Obama and institutions such as the European Union (EU).

The mentioned personalities have undoubtedly contributed in various ways to a better future of the world but they have not met the criteria which Alfred Nobel formulated in his will, namely:

• Active struggle for the abolition or reduction of standing armies
• Contributing to the fraternity among nations
• Creation of negotiations/dialogues aiming at peace and congresses for peace
• Resilience as ”fredsförfäktare” – champions of peace.

This unambiguous anti-militarist mandate is strongly contradicted by the selection of the European Union since the EU in its Lisbon Treaty commits the member states to steadily improve their military capacity and develop a common weapons industry. The Union does not have a single peace academy while it has dozens of military academies.

We, participants in this Nordic seminar at Orust, are of the opinion that the Norwegian Nobel Commitee in the future shall be composed of personalities who together are competent in the many areas of peace.

Further, as participants we consider it of utmost importance that the Swedish Nobel Foundation exercises control, in its role as administrator of Nobel’s donation, and ensures that the provisions of Nobel’s will are adhered to and that it carry out its duties in a way that guarantees that the Norwegian Nobel Committee awards the Prize only to persons and institutions who meet the specific and very clear criteria.

Finally, we appeal to the media to investigate the authorities of the Regional Board (Länsstyrelse) and other relevant legal bodies as to whether or not they live up to their duty to exercise control of the adherence to the will.

Stocken at Orust, Sweden, December 7, 2013

According to the decision of the meeting participants

Ola Friholt

Chair, the Peace Association at Orust.
Torget 1, Stocken, SE – 47492 Ellös

Phone 0046 304 51215

The seminar ended in a ceremony at which TFF and its founders, Jan Oberg and Christina Spannar, were awarded the People’s Nobel Peace Prize 2013, followed by an exquisite Nobel dinner created by the Association’s member and on the basis of local raw materials only.

– “It was such a rich day, so much intellectual and political commitment, public education and then this heart-warming gesture,” says Jan Oberg. “I have often stated and do so gladly again that the Orust Association for Peace is the best in Scandinavia because of its use of a very broad approach to peace and it’s systematic pro-peace orientation. Its amazing leaders, Erni and Ola Friholt, their Board members and other members performs as one large family and we always feel conviviality, happiness and civil courage in abundance.”

– “And while the Prize is a beautiful text in granite accompanied by a document but not a sum of money, the greatness about this People’s Nobel Peace Prize is that it is awarded by people who know what peace is – in contrast to the Norwegian Nobel Committee members. This Prize is a wonderful reward for what TFF has done over 28 years, yes – but it is also a tremendous energy booster towards what we will continue to do. Be sure of that!” – ends TFF’s director.

Seminar participants who formulated the statement

Tomas Magnusson, left, and Ola Friholt making presentation about the Nobel Peace Prize

The People's Nobel Peace Prize 2013

The Nobel Dinner starts


Ett nordiskt seminarium på Orust om Nobels fredspris har behandlat den norska Nobelkommitténs val av pristagare under lång tid. Under den nuvarande kommittén, som leds av förre statsministern Torbjörn Jagland, har priset givits t ex till Wangari Maathai, Al Gore, Shirin Ebadi, Liu Xiaobo, Barack Obama och institutioner som EU.

De nämnda personerna har förvisso gjort mycket gott för en bättre framtid i världen men har inte alls uppfyllt de specifika villkor Alfred Nobel ställt upp i sitt testamente, nämligen:

• aktiv kamp för nedrustning (t ex minskning av stående arméer),
• insatser för förbrödring mellan folken,
• skapande av förhandling/dialog syftande till fred/fredskongresser, och
• uthållighet som ”fredsförfäktare”.

Detta entydigt antimilitaristiska mandat motsägs dramatiskt i valet av EU, eftersom EU i sin grundlag, det s k Lissabonfördraget, ålägger medlemsstaterna att ”förbättra sin militära kapacitet” och dessutom utveckla en gemensam vapenproduktion. EU har inte en enda fredsakademi men dussintals militärakademier.

Vi deltagare i det nordiska seminariet på Orust anser att den norska Nobelkommittén i fortsättningen skall bestå av personer med kompetens på fredens många områden.

Vi deltagare anser det också ytterst angeläget att tillsyn utövas över att den svenska Nobelstiftelsen som förvaltare av Nobels donationer följer föreskrifterna i Nobels testamente och fullgör sin skyldighet att säkerställa att den norska Nobelkommittén ger priset till personer och institutioner som uppfyller Nobels specifika och tydliga villkor. Vi uppmanar media att undersöka om länsstyrelse och kammarkollegium fullgör sin skyldighet att utöva kontroll.

Stocken på Orust, den 7 december 2013
enligt mötets uppdrag

Ola Friholt
Ordförande i Fredsrörelsen på Orust, arrangör.

Torget 1, Stocken, SE – 47492 Ellös
Tel 0304-51215

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